Cody News

Cody Merch Orders

Order your Cody merch to get in the school spirit! 

Good news – you’ve got more time to snag your Cody merch as our vendor has kindly agreed to do two separate production runs. If you missed the first deadline, submit your order by end of day Friday, September 27. Please note, there will be two separate deliveries to the school, meaning there will be two different handout dates for the merch.

Please fill out this form and send it to and send your payment to with your child’s name, teacher’s name, and classroom number.

Curriculum Night

Curriculum night is a chance for parents / guardians to meet teachers and gain an understanding of the classroom program and structure for the school year. Rotary teachers will also be available throughout the evening in their classrooms. We will post classroom locations throughout the main floor of the school.

Thursday, September, 19th from 5:30 – 6:40pm

Safe Arrival Program

One measure of keeping students safe is ensuring students have safely arrived at school. If your child is going to be late or absent for any reason, it is important that you call the safe arrival number at 416-393-9240 before 8:45 a.m. At the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) we have an automated call-out system that will attempt to contact you if your child is late or absent on the day where the school was not previously informed. The caller ID number from Safe Arrival is 833-250-2290 The system call-out will work as follows:

Parents/guardians identified in TDSB’s Student Information Systems who have access to student records, and emergency contact with priority 1 or 2 will receive a call. When you receive the call, you are required to listen to the entire message and follow the prompts accordingly. You will be asked if you are aware or unaware of your child’s absence. If unaware, you will be asked to call the school immediately. If you are aware of the absence, you will be asked to enter the reason for your child’s absence.

Fall Extracurriculars

To date the following sports activities will take place: Cross Country Running and Soccer –  more information to follow.

The choirs will begin at the end of September.

Primary Choir for Grade 2 or 3 students will begin on Wednesday, September 18th at 8am (Atrium)

Junior Choir for Grades 4 and 5 will begin Thursday September 19th at 8 am (Atrium)

Spring Fair Volunteers Needed

Adult Volunteers needed for the 2025 Cody Spring Fair (date TBC). If you’re interested, please email Jenn Ramsay at

Pizza Lunches

Pizza lunch orders are available now until Thursday, September 19 via School-Cash-OnlineAll parents and guardians should have received an email already. If you did not receive an email, you may still need to register at We are also looking for volunteers to help distribute pizza on Pizza Day! If you’re interested, please sign up at the following links: JK/SK or Gr. 1 – 5.