FSA Volunteering FAQ

The Executive potions are Chair/Co-Chairs, Vice Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer.  You can read about them in more detail and reach out for any questions!

While a vote is required each year, people do typically stay on for 2 years.  This provides some consistency, and reduces the overhead of transferring the knowledge.   While 2 years is common, it’s not strictly required.  Don’t worry if you aren’t sure if you want to do 1 or 2 years before you start.

If you are interested in one of the positions, the nominations and voting typically happen at the second meeting of the year in October.  Take the time before that to ask questions and learn about the position.  Before or during the second meeting, you will nominate yourself.  You can work alone, or often team up with a co-executive to share the load.  More questions?  Reach out for some guidance.

There are many ways to get involved in the FSA.  Whether you are looking for a small or large commitment, there is something you can get involved in.   Here are some options:

  • Become a class rep.  Talk to your child’s teacher about taking this on for their class, or share this position with another parent or guardian from the class.
  • Join a committee!  Committees take on everything from pizza day, to fairs/events.  They help with lost and found, the library, community outreach and much more!  If you want to learn more, just reach out and we can share some more information.
  • Volunteer at an event – if you are only able to give an hour here and there, then you can take a shift at one of the events, like movie night, or the winter fair.  These opportunities will come up throughout the year.  Be on the lookout for emails from your class rep or announcements on our Instagram page
  • Attend the FSA meetings.  This is one of the best ways to have your voice heard and get involved.

Reach out at contactfsa@mauricecody.ca.  You will get a lot of help in determining what volunteer opportunity would be right for you!