
Did you know:​
  • There is great parking just a ½ block away in any direction from the school.
  • Walking with your children is extra quality time together to start the day.
  •  Neighbors do not like their driveways blocked. Even for a minute.
  • Kiss & Ride volunteers are moms and dads just like you!
  •  Kiss & Ride is each morning for gr 1-5 from 8:30-8:40am, no matter the weather!
  •  It is never OK to STOP on the North side of Cleveland.
  • Three point turns are never just three points.
  • Children dart into streets without looking.
  • Crossing Guards need EVERYONE to follow their lead.
  • Maurice Cody is now in a Community Safety Zone and fines for endangering pedestrians (currently up to $1000) are doubled in these zones.
  •  There is no parking at the southwest end of Cheston Rd at Belsize (south of Kiss & Ride) at morning drop off.